How It's Made?
The example of the instructions are given as the example of model SU- 30 , the
other models do not differ from the shown ones.

Precautions: The kit contains small parts , you must not given the children
under the age of 3.
Choose adhesive not containing the following chemical compounds: organic
solvents (acetone , acetic acid ethyl ester , the solvent inksturpentine);
saturated hydrocarbons ( alcohol) and petroleum (gasoline , kerosene , resins ,
etc.) , since the cellular structure when expanded polystyrene
contact with the above compounds may be damaged or completely dissolved .
Unacceptable use of sand - cement mortars intended for this material in
Set of layers of this model is made of styrofoam URSA XPS.
Make sure there are no medical contraindications , allergies (unlikely) this
material used for adhesives and so on.
You can use other , similar in its characteristics , materials from another
manufacturer without prior notice customer.
When using do not forget about safety.
Use disposable gloves. Pay attention to respiratory protection and vision.
composition of adhesives may include toxic substances. Choose products proven
manufacturer .
The kit comes as is.
It assumes that you have learned enough threads on niche sites dedicated
assembly this and other models.
You understand and acknowledge the difficulties that arise when building the
You assume all the consequences if not correctly assembled and then using this
Refund from the manufacturer is not provided.
Each set is carefully checked before sending and packed in containers for
transporting / shipment.
Assembly models.
Model length - 1440 mm ( + -5mm )
Wingspan - 957 mm ( + -5mm )
Aircraft according to the thickness and gloss removal thickness of the adhesive
Weight used Styrofoam and glue must not exceed 600 grams .
Recommended follow- weave model films , tape or fiberglass to impart rigidity
and strength model. Do not forget that the weight
model at this grow , depending on the applied technologies stitched .
For proper assembly required :
1. Moment Waterproof PVA glue . Super PVA D3. 250g .

2 . Brush glue 8 -12mm. 1 pc. or syringe.

3 . Rags to remove adhesive residue , removing stains.

4 . Dressmaker pins - needle at one end of which is made of either plastic
eyelets or beads.
Need 200-300 pcs.

5 . Stationery knife.

6. Waterproof sandpaper to remove the gloss on the fibers. For example ,
GermaFlex P180X, 200h500mm size. 1 pc.

7. Strongly recommend to make a set of shipments and stick them above pelt.
Enough segment size 500x500 . The kit used wooden mandrel 200 -250mm long , diametrami10 , 25, 50mm . , wooden bars
20x20 , 40x40 , 60x60 , and flat
metal spatula , a 20 -40mm . Recommended abrasive sponge. Can be purchased at
auto stores, auto-chemistry department.

Finishing produce finer sandpaper, grain selection at your discretion .
Also need a set of goods, used under gluing layers.
Allowed the use of acrylic ( NOT ALKYD !) Coatings on wood.
Assembly model should start with the preparation of the workplace and the
necessary tools .
Make sure you have enough free time.
1. Arrange items in the order they appear .
2 . Remove gloss polystyrene with all the details. Calculation model was made of
a layer thickness 49.4 mm. , So do not overdo it. gloss
shoot up to 0.3mm . on each side ( enough to scratch ) . This is done for better
adhesion layers when gluing.
3 . Conditional section details on 4-5 sites and start gluing.
4 . Fold the two adjacent layers . Note the error to be aligned with the gluing
pins. Since heterogeneity
the material used , as well as the difference in mean lengths of projections of
the layer thickness of the cut varies depending on the direction
of movement and velocity cutting the string. This deviation from the rules is
not a marriage, AeroTetris continues to work on it.
5 . Brush evenly over the entire surface gluing , apply glue to both edges of
the layers. The consistency , the adhesive should not resemble a
thick sour cream . It should not spread over the surface. If necessary, use an
approved solvent adhesive. In this case , for Super PVAD3 such a solvent is
6. Connect the two parts together. Along the perimeter of the adhesive joint ,
leveling the surface with your fingers , tighten the pin so that the pin passes
both layers angled .

After gluing, they are easily removed . The resulting item check on all sides,
including internal grooves . If necessary, add
corrective pins . Remove excess glue with a cloth . Frozen drop of glue on the
surface , will bring a lot of inconvenience when finishing .
Pay due attention to the duct . These pins are positioned easily with any
material thickness of up to 2-3 mm. the thickness of the duct.
Place on a flat surface and attach the load.
7. Begin Bonding next couple of details in the previous paragraph .
Duct inlets cut yourself, based on the characteristics of the attachment.

8. Allow to dry glue. Patience. Pasting from one model AeroTetrisa goes up to 5
hours or more.
Please note , as gluing when needed to connect a pair of 2-3-4 parts , since the
center of gravity , there is a weight not simply . You can use the strap .
When using the strap , be careful . Expanded polystyrene is quite soft material
and excessive force can damage it, deform . In this case, use of waste material
as washers . The factory set them enough.
When the model is glued together , start to finish. Conveniently display surface
in the bathroom with warm water. If you used a waterproof PVA model debonding at
the seams. If waterproof PVA is not found, go to step 1. If , to use glue
containing organic solvents and model lost its shape , shriveled or disappeared
, go to the order form new model. You already have a 10% discount on all
subsequent acquisition of AeroTetris. If there is sufficient experience with the
foam, it is possible to produce agglutination with it , but we do not recommend
its use. Reasonable deviations from this manual possible. Quality gluing depends
on you and your hands.
9. When gluing, check the geometry and alignment of the model.
Also use the slipway when assembling, similarly when assembling balsa models.